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Children Medical Services (CMS) Newborn Hearing Screening Program

EPICS aims to increase family engagement, leadership, partnership, and strengthen family support by providing education, accurate, comprehensive, up-to-date, tools, and resources to help families of children with hearing loss or hard of hearing make important timely decisions for their children. EPICS has sustained collaborative partnerships with other EHDI programs and organizations such as, Hands and Voices to delivery trainings, resources, and parent-to-parent support for families.

When babies get screened early, hearing loss is detected, babies can get early intervention services available to children and their families. Early Intervention helps babies grow and develop to optimize language, literacy, cognitive, social and emotional and developmental milestones. The support and education ensures that children who are deaf or hard of hearing can access services, receive family-centered assistance, and their families get engaged as active advocates and partners in the wellness of their care. 

It is crucially important to adhere to the 1 – 3 – 6 EHDI Plan to care for your baby’s hearing. 
 1 – Before One (1) Month of Age: Hearing Screening
 3 – Before Three (3) Months of Age: Hearing Evaluation
 6 – Before Six (6) Months of Age: Early Intervention

According to CDC, If your baby’s health care provider says that your baby may be at risk for hearing loss: 
  • Find out different ways to communicate: ASL, Auditory, Cued Speech, etc…
  • Watch how your baby grows and learns 
  • Make an appointment for a full hearing test at these ages: 
    • Birth, 1 month old, 3 months old, 6 months old, One year old, One and ½ years old, Two years old, Two and ½ years old, and Three years old.

Community Parent Resource Center (CPRC)

There are nearly 100 Parent Training and Information Centers (PTIs) and Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs) in the US and Territories
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Transition program for high school to college

There are nearly 100 Parent Training and Information Centers (PTIs) and Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs) in the US and Territories
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